30 junio 2011

Entrevistas por Stereogum y Pitchfork

[Esta entrevista es muy completa, leela aqui en ingles]

Paralelamente a la declaración oficial de OLI y Nonesuch Records de biofilia, dos largas entrevistas han sido publicados en los sitios de Pitchfork y Stereogum, donde Björk desarrollado en gran medida en torno al concepto del álbum.

En la entrevista con Stereogum, más íntimo, regresa como el proyecto inicial con National Geographic y Michel Gondry y explica las complicaciones del proyecto que la llevó a cambiar de rumbo:

Everybody got pretty excited about it and then when I met National Geographic they were like “Oh we’ve never released records before, we want to do that” [...] Then they said “We do 3D movies that are shown in science museums and in these kind of planetariums so maybe we should make it into a movie.” And that wasn’t a really big jump for me in a weird kind of way because each room could be a scene in a movie and that could show the element. So I called up Michel Gondry and he was like into it and so we started working on a script with my friend, the Icelandic author Sjón. We started writing a synopsis of a script and then finished that. Then I started writing these songs and developing these rooms and instead of developing the rooms, the rooms became scenes in movies… Then Michel got busy with Green Hornet and we were sort of bumping into walls because the music house, the rooms, and the scenes every time it became human scale it was a problem. I would be like then Gravity plays the bass line in this song and it was like great how many ropes does that take ? I would say, ‘Then you set your clock to the moon room and that’s a song.’ It was so utopian. …”

También especifica que el álbum podría ser enriquecida por las nuevas canciones siguientes:

I have a feeling it’s not only going to be ten songs. I might make it into a double album or just use this same setup and every three months — or whenever I feel like it — I’ll add another song. The Apps, [paired] with the subject matter of nature meeting sound … I mean, you could do 5,000 songs !

Las instalaciones de la biofilia no ser tan desarrollado como se insinuó en la primera versión, pero no es fijo. Un centro de Manchester consistirá en talleres para los niños que por lo tanto tendrá el escenario.

Durante los siguientes aparece adquirido residencias Reykjavik este otoño, y Björk evoca la ciudad de Tokio, sin especificar fechas.

Aprendemos más sobre el personal. Pablo Díaz-Reixa (El Guincho) y Matthew Herbert parte de 16 bits con los co-productores del álbum

There’s like four groups of people that did beats : El Guincho ended up doing basslines for two songs. And, Matthew Herbet, he did beats for two half of songs, sort of me and him doing workshop style, I don’t know quite know what to call it…. And, actually, it’s three groups, because I’m the fourth one. So, finally, 16bit, these two guys from London, ended up doing beats for another song and the chorus of another song.

Detalles de una nueva canción de ADN apareció a menos que se conoce desde la grabación de la entrevista.
edit: el ADN es una famosa canción, que es hueco (a través de una tercera entrevista con la revista Rolling Stone.

I tried to have each song as emotionally different as possible. [The song] ‘DNA’ is about rhythm, but I also wanted it to be about the emotional, my relationship with my ancestors . That was just as important, to prove science nerds wrong, to unite the scientific and the emotional.

Los temas tratados en estas entrevistas son muy variados y requieren algo más que noticias que deben abordarse en su conjunto. Podemos volver con más detalle sobre estos temas antes que le ofrece la mejor traducción.

Fuente: Stereogum y Pitchfork

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